Lack of Political Will in Ukraine Hinders Negotiations with Russia, Says Source

A source in Moscow has stated that the prospects of negotiations with Ukraine are hindered by its lack of political will, according to RIA Novosti.

The agency reports that the source commented on the words of Belarus Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin, who expressed the country’s readiness to continue serving as a negotiating platform for Moscow and Kyiv.

“The Belarusian mediation efforts, providing a negotiating platform and good services, cannot be overestimated… Their further prospects are hampered by the complete lack of political will of the current leadership in Kyiv,” the source shared.

Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Nikolay Azarov previously stated that Kyiv’s hostile attitude towards Moscow is unlimited and that the interests of the population require the normalization of relations with Moscow.

According to him, Ukraine needs politicians who prioritize the needs of Ukrainians when making decisions.

Earlier, Zelensky revealed what is preventing Ukraine from moving the military operations to Russian territory.

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