Democratic Rep. Dean Phillips Pushes Back Against Criticism from Biden Ally, Rep. James Clyburn, Amid Primary Challenge

Democratic Representative Dean Phillips, who is primary challenging President Biden, is defending himself against accusations of disrespecting Black voters made by top Biden ally Representative James Clyburn. Phillips, a moderate three-term congressman from Minnesota, launched his 2024 White House run last week and is facing criticism for campaigning in New Hampshire instead of South Carolina, where Black voters play a significant role in Democratic politics. Clyburn, a co-chair of Biden’s re-election campaign, expressed disappointment in Phillips for not respecting the wishes of the titular head of the party and the loyalty of reliable Democratic constituents.

The controversy stems from the proposed nominating calendar for the 2024 election cycle, which suggested replacing New Hampshire as the lead-off primary state with South Carolina. Biden’s victory in South Carolina during the 2020 primary, with the support of Clyburn, propelled him towards the Democratic nomination and eventually the White House. However, New Hampshire is honoring a state law that mandates it holds the first primary, potentially disrupting the new calendar proposed by the president.

Despite criticism from Clyburn and other Biden supporters, Phillips defends his decision to campaign in New Hampshire, emphasizing the state’s longstanding tradition of assessing candidates first. He asserts that appearing in New Hampshire does not preclude him from visiting other states like South Carolina or Michigan. Phillips plans to file to place his name on South Carolina’s Democratic primary ballot and is committed to introducing himself to voters there.

Phillips, who held a campaign event at Saint Anselm College’s New Hampshire Institute of Politics, expressed his affection and appreciation for various communities, including the Black community, the Brown community, the LGBTQ+ community, the Jewish community, the Muslim community, the Christian community, and the Buddhist community. He believes that those who participate in divisive tactics by casting blame and shadow on him are part of the problem.

While Clyburn’s office did not respond to a request for comment, Democratic strategist Maria Cardona criticized Phillips for skipping the primary in Nevada, another crucial early voting state. Cardona accused Phillips of not showing affection for brown voters by not bothering to file and compete in a state with a significant Latino voter population. Phillips also faces criticism for potentially weakening Biden’s chances of winning re-election next year. However, he argues that he is not responsible for Biden’s declining approval rating and believes that the idea that he is weakening the president is not factual.

In conclusion, Representative Dean Phillips is facing backlash from Biden ally Representative James Clyburn for campaigning in New Hampshire instead of South Carolina. Phillips defends his decision and emphasizes his respect and appreciation for various communities. The controversy highlights the ongoing tensions within the Democratic Party as the 2024 presidential election approaches.

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