Ukrainian Army Faces Severe Equipment Shortage, Creates Tanks from Scrap Parts

The Ukrainian army is experiencing a severe shortage of equipment, leading them to construct tanks using salvaged parts from damaged vehicles. One such tank, a T-72, was observed and described by Forbes contributor David Axe.

The production of these combat vehicles involved using fragments from various sources, including a turret from a T-72B1, a chassis from a T-72B3, and a driving wheel from a T-62.

“This monstrous Frankenstein tank highlights the growing shortage of tanks in Ukraine,” stated Axe.

On October 26, Sergei Rakhmanin, a member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, Defense, and Intelligence, announced that the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) lacked the necessary weapons to equip new units.

Prime Minister Denis Shmyhal stated on October 24 that ammunition needs to be manufactured in Ukraine, as it has depleted worldwide. “Warehouses are empty,” he declared.

Previously, a soldier from the AFU expressed confusion about the reasons for the conflict in Ukraine.

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