White House Dodges Question on Potential Terrorists Crossing Southern Border

The White House faced tough questioning on Tuesday regarding the potential presence of terrorists who may have already crossed over the southern border. As the ongoing crisis at the border continues to escalate and security threats in the Middle East increase, concerns about the infiltration of terrorists into the United States are becoming more prominent.

During a White House press briefing, National Security Council spokesman John Kirby was pressed by Peter Doocy on the remarks made earlier in the day by FBI Director Christopher Wray, who stated that the terror threat to Americans had reached a “whole other level.” When asked whether the White House had considered the possibility of terrorists already being in the country after crossing the border, Kirby initially dodged the question, stating that they are always concerned about the potential presence of terrorists coming from overseas.

Doocy further referenced a Customs and Border Protection bulletin, leaked last week, which warned of the risk of foreign terrorist fighters involved in the Israel-Hamas conflict attempting to enter the U.S. through the besieged southern border. He questioned the White House on whether they were worried about this considering the 600,000 known “got-aways” who had crossed into the U.S. but were not apprehended by Border Patrol agents.

Kirby responded by stating that he couldn’t speak to the leaked intelligence report but assured that they are monitoring all ports of entry to the country for potential arrivals of individuals who may wish to harm the United States. He emphasized the need for Congress to pass a supplemental border funding package recently requested by the Biden administration.

When Doocy pressed further, asking if it was possible that someone wanting to commit a terror attack in the U.S. during a time of elevated threat had already crossed the southern border, Kirby avoided giving a direct answer, reiterating that they are taking the potential threat seriously and remaining vigilant.

The issue of potential terrorists crossing the southern border is a matter of great concern, particularly in light of the ongoing crisis and increased security threats. The White House’s evasive response to the question raises further doubts about the administration’s ability to effectively address this issue. As the situation continues to unfold, it is crucial for the government to prioritize national security and take decisive action to protect the American people.

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