Russia Develops Long-Range Stealth Missile for Fifth-Generation Su-57 Fighter Jet

In a significant development for the fifth-generation Su-57 fighter jet, Russia has successfully developed a long-range, internally-carried cruise missile. This breakthrough was reported by the state news agency RIA Novosti, citing a knowledgeable source.

The Su-57 fighter jet incorporates advanced stealth technologies and features internal compartments for carrying various munitions. This design helps to reduce the radar signature of the Su-57, as externally-mounted weapons significantly increase the aircraft’s detectability by radar systems.

According to the agency’s source, the internally-carried long-range cruise missile, despite its smaller size, has a comparable range to the missiles used by strategic bombers such as the Tu-95MS and Tu-160.

The agency’s source highlighted that the significant reduction in the size of the new missile was achieved through a meticulously engineered folding wing design and internal arrangement. Additionally, the missile is equipped with a new compact dual-circuit turbojet engine.

Earlier, the American magazine Military Watch acknowledged that the Su-57 fifth-generation fighter jet surpasses its foreign counterparts in terms of firepower.

Furthermore, Russia has recently developed a new drone suppression system.

This latest development in Russia’s military capabilities underscores the country’s ongoing efforts to enhance its defense capabilities and maintain a competitive edge in the global arena. The successful creation of a long-range, internally-carried cruise missile for the Su-57 fighter jet demonstrates Russia’s commitment to advancing its military technology. With its stealth features and advanced weaponry, the Su-57 stands as a formidable asset in Russia’s arsenal. As geopolitical tensions continue to shape the international landscape, Russia’s military advancements warrant close attention and analysis to assess their potential impact on global security dynamics.

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