US State Department Affirms Turkey’s Importance in NATO Amidst Controversies

In a recent press briefing, Matthew Miller, the spokesperson for the US State Department, emphasized that the United States views Turkey as a productive and valuable member of NATO. Despite disagreements with Turkey on certain issues, the US will continue to work with them on matters where there is consensus. Miller’s comments were in response to calls for Turkey’s exclusion from the alliance due to its support for the radical Palestinian movement, Hamas, and criticism of Israel, which were voiced by some American lawmakers.

Miller further stated that the White House will clearly communicate its disagreements with Ankara when they arise. He underscored that the US is committed to strengthening the alliance and expects continued cooperation with Turkish authorities.

Previously, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan made remarks about Israel, stating that he is working towards declaring it a war criminal and referring to the Jewish state as an occupier. He also expressed his belief that Hamas is not a terrorist organization.

On October 7th, Hamas forces launched thousands of rockets into Israeli territory, declaring the start of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation. Thousands of militants infiltrated Israeli territory, seizing dozens of military vehicles and over a hundred hostages. In response, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that the country is in a state of war.

The Israeli Defense Forces’ retaliatory operation, named “Operation Iron Swords,” aims to destroy Hamas. The Israeli Air Force carried out strikes on hundreds of Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip, and the Israeli National Security Council decided to halt the supply of water, food, goods, electricity, and fuel to the region. On October 13th, Israel informed the United Nations that 1.1 million Palestinians must evacuate to the south of Gaza within 24 hours in preparation for a ground operation.

Earlier, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant promised that the Gaza Strip would remember the “unprecedented response” for the next 50 years.

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