Jewish Community in Los Angeles Embraces Gun Ownership and Self-Defense Amid Rising Antisemitism

In the wake of the Israel-Hamas war and a surge in antisemitism, Jews in Los Angeles are increasingly turning to gun ownership, self-defense classes, and armed security for their safety. Rabbi Yossi Eilfort, a former MMA fighter and the founder of Magen Am USA, a Jewish nonprofit organization licensed to provide armed security services, has been training Jewish religious leaders for years. The organization operates in LA and Phoenix, offering extensive classes on gun safety, self-defense techniques, de-escalation, and the use of intermediate weapons.

The rise in antisemitism and tensions following Hamas’ attacks on Israel have prompted many Jews in the LA area to embrace the Second Amendment. Gun stores have reported an increase in sales to the Jewish community, leading to calls from store owners to “calm down.” Rabbi Eilfort emphasized that the goal is not to arm as many people as possible but to ensure that those who choose to own guns are properly trained.

The spike in gun ownership and self-defense training among Jews in California is not a new phenomenon. In 2020, amidst the pandemic and social justice protests, Jews started arming themselves and receiving gun safety training. The recent outbreak of war in Israel has further intensified the demand for training, prompting Magen Am to release a new schedule due to overwhelming interest.

Instances of antisemitism in Los Angeles have seen a significant increase in recent years. Data from the Anti-Defamation League shows a 29% increase in antisemitic incidents from 2020 to 2021 and a staggering 217% increase from 2017 to 2021. These alarming statistics have prompted Jews to take proactive measures to protect themselves and their communities.

Magen Am, which started as a training program for rabbis, has evolved into a nonprofit security company dedicated to protecting Jewish centers and providing training to community members. The organization has trained over 1,000 people, including 47 volunteers who meet FBI standards for patrolling community schools and synagogues. Their hired security team consists of veterans from both the U.S. and Israel Defense Forces.

Rabbi Eilfort emphasized that Magen Am is apolitical and not a Second Amendment lobbyist. The organization’s primary focus is on preparedness and community safety. The increase in gun ownership and self-defense training among American Jews is seen as a blessing, given the unique ability to protect themselves under the Second Amendment.

The National Rifle Association (NRA) has expressed support for Magen Am’s efforts, stating that Americans have the right to defend themselves and their communities. The recent conflict in Israel has served as a wake-up call for many Americans to reevaluate their personal safety and consider their own self-defense measures.

Looking ahead, Magen Am aims to expand its services and reinforce the freedom to bear arms responsibly. Rabbi Eilfort highlighted the importance of being prepared and keeping more people safe, emphasizing the mission of the organization.

In a time of rising antisemitism and increased security concerns, Jewish communities in Los Angeles are taking proactive steps to ensure their safety through gun ownership, self-defense training, and the support of organizations like Magen Am.

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