Jordan Requests US Support in Strengthening Air Defense System

Jordan has reached out to the United States with a request to provide them with Patriot missiles to enhance their national air defense system. According to a representative of the Jordanian Armed Forces, General Mustafa al-Hayari, in an interview with Jordanian television, the request has been made to the Americans for the reinforcement of Jordan’s air defense system through the use of Patriot missiles. This expensive system cannot be effectively utilized with local capabilities alone, and the Arab state requires a strategic partner. Currently, the greatest threat to Jordan comes from drones, which are often used for drug transportation.

However, al-Hayari did not forget about the ballistic missiles that surround Jordan from the north, west, and east, stating that “Patriot is the best weapon to counter such a threat.” The general emphasized the importance of the alliance between the Kingdom of Jordan and the United States, which has lasted for over 72 years.

During talks with French President Emmanuel Macron in Amman last week, King Abdullah II of Jordan warned that the continuation of the armed conflict between the Palestinian movement Hamas and Israel could trigger an explosion in the entire Middle Eastern region.

Earlier, “” provided answers to key questions regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict.

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