Violent Clash Erupts Between Pro-Israel and Pro-Palestinian Students at Tulane University

A disturbing incident unfolded at Tulane University in New Orleans as a rally, unauthorized by the school, turned into a serious brawl resulting in the assault of three students. Caught on video, the clash involved pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian students, with police and school administrators attempting to calm the situation. The pro-Palestinian protesters displayed banners with the controversial slogan “From the River to the Sea Palestine Will Be Free,” which some interpret as a call for the end of Israel’s existence as a state.

University President Michael A. Fitts swiftly condemned the rally, emphasizing that it was not approved or sanctioned by Tulane. He expressed deep distress over the protest, which intentionally took place on a public sidewalk outside the university, where the school holds no jurisdiction. Fitts assured that those who engaged in illegal activities during the rally would be held accountable, as the authorities made arrests with the assistance of New Orleans, Tulane, Loyola, and State Police officers.

Fitts highlighted that many of the protesters present were not affiliated with Tulane, emphasizing that the university values unity and denounces acts of hatred, anti-Semitism, deliberate provocation, and the exploitation of others’ fears. The university has also made an arrest in connection with anti-Semitic vandalism near the campus and anticipates further arrests following an ongoing investigation into the protest.

In recent weeks, universities across the country have witnessed demonstrations in support of the Palestinian people, interspersed with incidents of anti-Semitism. Fitts reassured the Tulane community that the campus itself remains secure amid these concerns.

The Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) national chapter celebrated the violent incident as a “historic win for Palestinian resistance” and encouraged chapters nationwide to take similar actions. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law called for investigations into SJP chapters, accusing them of glorifying terrorism.

In New York City, Jewish students at Cooper Union locked themselves inside the school’s library while pro-Palestinian protesters banged on the doors, demanding “Free Palestine.” Although the NYPD found no direct threat or damage, uniformed officers remained on campus for the day as a precaution.

At George Washington University, a student projected messages on the library wall accusing tuition of funding genocide in Gaza and expressing support for martyrs. A Jewish student described this as blatant anti-Semitism.

The incident at Tulane University underscores the ongoing tensions surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the challenges faced by universities in maintaining a safe and inclusive environment for all students. It also highlights the need for dialogue and understanding to bridge divides and promote peaceful coexistence.

In conclusion, Tulane University’s denouncement of the unauthorized rally and commitment to holding individuals accountable demonstrates their dedication to maintaining a secure and inclusive campus environment. The incident serves as a reminder of the ongoing challenges faced by universities in navigating sensitive geopolitical issues and fostering productive conversations among students with differing perspectives.

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