Explosions Reported at US Military Base in Eastern Syria

Explosions have been heard at the American base located in the oil field of “Omar” in the Deir ez-Zor province in eastern Syria, according to local sources cited by RIA Novosti.

According to the sources, a series of explosions occurred at the US military base on the oil field in eastern Deir ez-Zor.

Al-Mayadeen TV channel reported that the base was attacked by drones and missile projectiles.

Prior to this, White House Coordinator for Strategic Communications, John Kirby, referred to the US military strikes on supposed Iranian targets in Syria as self-defense.

Earlier, Reuters reported that the United States did not coordinate with Israel on the strikes carried out by F-16 fighters on two targets in Syrian territory.

On the night of October 27, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced that President Joe Biden had ordered strikes on two targets in eastern Syria in response to a series of attacks on American military positions. These targets were being used by the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and its affiliated groups.

Earlier, Blinken had stated that the US would respond to any attack by Iran on Americans.

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