Texas State House Passes Bills to Strengthen Border Security

The Texas state House of Representatives has passed three bills aimed at bolstering border security. The first bill allocates over $1 billion for the construction of border barriers, while the second bill increases sentences for human trafficking. The third bill, known as House Bill 4, grants local police the authority to arrest and deport illegal migrants.

These bills have sparked intense debate among state politicians, with discussions lasting for hours between Wednesday and Thursday. State Representative Cody Harris of Palestine motioned to block new amendments, effectively ending the debate and leading to the bill’s ultimate passage with a vote of 84-60.

However, not all lawmakers are in favor of these measures. State Representative Armando Lucio Walle of Houston expressed his frustration towards Harris, stating that he and others do not understand the impact of such policies on their communities. Walle emphasized that these decisions directly affect the lives of individuals living near the border.

Despite federal court rulings that grant jurisdiction over the border to the federal government, House Bill 4 aims to re-empower Texas officers to directly handle illegal immigration. The bill will now move to the state Senate, where Republicans maintain a majority and are expected to approve the legislation.

State Representative David Spille from Fort Worth defended the bill, describing it as a humane, logical, and efficient approach. Spille argued that ordering individuals back to their country of origin if they arrived illegally is not unfair.

The Biden administration recently announced record-breaking border numbers for September, with the highest number of monthly encounters and overall encounters for the fiscal year. Meanwhile, the administration continues to oppose border walls, citing an urgent need to waive federal regulations and allow construction in South Texas.

Overall, the passage of these bills in the Texas state House reflects the ongoing debate and differing perspectives on border security. The issue will now move to the state Senate, where further discussions and decisions will shape the future of border enforcement in Texas.

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