Massive Cache of Guns Found at Airbnb Turned Machinegunbnb in Minnesota

In a shocking discovery, police in Minnesota uncovered an alarming stash of weapons at an Airbnb rental that had been transformed into what they referred to as a “Machinegunbnb.” The investigation began after a man reported his wallet stolen from his work truck, which led to the recovery of stolen credit cards and eventually the suspect. What followed was a series of events that unveiled an astonishing cache of firearms hidden throughout the Airbnb property.

According to reports, a total of 11 guns, some of which had been modified into automatic weapons, were found in various hiding spots such as food wrappers, board game boxes, purses, backpacks, unfinished walls, plants, and even behind furniture and TVs. The discovery left law enforcement officials shocked, with Ramsey County Sheriff Bob Fletcher expressing his surprise at the sheer number of weapons recovered.

The investigation was sparked by the discovery of stolen credit cards that were used for purchases at a local Target store. Surveillance footage from the store led authorities to the suspect, who was then tracked to the Airbnb rental. Upon arrival, police found more than 50 attendees, aged between 15 and 21, who were partaking in a birthday celebration for the alleged credit card thief. The owner of the Airbnb, upon being informed of the situation, requested that the party be shut down due to violations of the rental agreement, including exceeding the maximum occupancy limit and breaking rules against weapons and smoking.

As attendees were escorted out of the property, they were searched for weapons, and it remains unclear whether any party-goers were carrying firearms. The suspect was subsequently arrested, and deputies conducted a thorough search of the premises, discovering the hidden cache of firearms.

The nature of the guns found is particularly alarming. Some of the weapons had extended magazines and “switches,” also known as “auto sears,” which converted them into fully automatic machine guns capable of firing 33 rounds in less than two seconds. The possession of automatic weapons carries severe penalties under state and federal law, ranging from 5 to 10 years of imprisonment.

Law enforcement officials have expressed concern about the individuals involved in the party, as they are reportedly part of a group with enemies. The discovery of such a large number of firearms in their possession raises serious safety concerns. Authorities are now investigating whether these weapons have been used in any unsolved crimes and are conducting tests to gather ballistic information, fingerprints, and DNA evidence.

In the end, the incident serves as a reminder of the potential dangers associated with illegal firearms and the importance of vigilant law enforcement efforts to keep communities safe. The swift actions of the police in apprehending the suspect and removing these weapons from circulation have undoubtedly prevented potential harm.

While the investigation continues, the Ramsey County Undersheriff’s Office has expressed relief that these guns are off the streets, no longer posing a threat to public safety. The alleged credit card thief, despite being arrested on their birthday, has been taken into custody, ensuring that they will not cause further harm.

Please note: This article is for informational purposes only and does not represent the views or opinions of any specific news network or author.

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