Biden Administration Takes Action to Protect Colorado River System Amid Falling Water Levels

CFACT President Craig Rucker has voiced his group’s protest against offshore wind projects as the Biden administration continues to push for a green energy agenda. In a historic move, the administration has taken action to conserve vital water supplies in the Western states. The Department of the Interior (DOI) has released a draft supplemental environmental impact statement (SEIS) that outlines two potential options to address falling water levels: a no-action alternative and a proposed action to restrict supplies in the coming years.

The proposal aims to protect the Colorado River System and two key dams by leveraging investments from President Biden’s Investing in America agenda. White House National Climate Advisor Ali Zaidi emphasized the importance of building a sustainable and equitable future for communities across the West through this action. The reservoirs in the Colorado River Basin, including Lake Powell and Lake Mead, are currently at historically low levels. The DOI’s plan is designed to safeguard the system in the near term while working on long-term, sustainable solutions to combat climate-driven challenges.

The draft SEIS rescinds two previous potential plans for Colorado River conservation and replaces them with the proposed action, which was derived from an agreement reached by the Lower Basin states of Arizona, California, and Nevada in May. This agreement aims to conserve at least 3 million acre-feet (978 billion gallons) of Colorado River water supplies by 2027, with at least half of that amount conserved by 2025. The conserved water will be funded through the Inflation Reduction Act and voluntary, uncompensated reductions by the Lower Basin states.

Deputy Interior Secretary Tommy Beaudreau commended the leadership and unity of purpose demonstrated by the seven Basin states in achieving substantial water conservation throughout the past year. He also acknowledged the historic funding from President Biden’s Investing in America agenda, which has helped prevent the reservoirs from reaching critically low elevations that would threaten water deliveries and power production.

While the Upper Basin states mainly rely on smaller rivers branching off the Colorado River, the Lower Basin states heavily rely on water from Lake Powell and Lake Mead. The Glen Canyon Dam in northern Arizona and the Hoover Dam in southern Nevada manage water flows from these reservoirs to the Lower Basin states. However, both reservoirs have experienced significant drops in water levels due to decades of drought. The current levels of Lake Powell and Lake Mead are approaching their respective dead pool levels, which could impact vital water supplies and hydropower-generated electricity for millions of Americans.

The Biden administration’s actions demonstrate a commitment to addressing the challenges posed by falling water levels in the Colorado River System. By leveraging investments and working with state leaders, the administration aims to ensure a sustainable future for communities across the West.

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