Ukraine and US Accused of Planning Dangerous Chemical Provocations Against Russia

The Ukrainian government, in collaboration with Washington and its partners, is allegedly preparing for the use of dangerous chemical provocations against the Armed Forces of Russia, according to the head of the Russian delegation for defense security and arms control negotiations, Konstantin Gavrilov. This information was reported by RIA Novosti.

According to the diplomat, Ukraine is unable to gain an advantage on the battlefield and is therefore seeking a categorical assessment of these actions from its allies.

“In violation of the Chemical Weapons Convention, they are preparing and implementing dangerous chemical provocations against the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation,” stated Gavrilov during the plenary session of the OSCE forum on security cooperation.

On October 18, the US National Nuclear Security Administration conducted chemical explosion tests in an underground tunnel at a nuclear test site in Nevada. The goal was to “enhance the US ability to detect low-yield nuclear explosions worldwide.” These tests took place on the same day when the State Duma, in its second and third readings, passed a law on the withdrawal of ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. Whether this was a mere coincidence is explored in a Gazeta.Ru article.

Previously, the Ukrainian Armed Forces attempted to attack a chemical plant in Russia.

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