Russia Develops New Tactics to Destroy Ukrainian Aircraft, Military Expert Reveals

Military expert and retired Colonel Yuri Knutov, the director of the Museum of Air Defense Forces, has revealed to “” that the Russian Federation has successfully developed a new tactic to destroy Ukrainian aircraft. This tactic involves the use of two systems simultaneously: the S-400 “Triumph” surface-to-air missile system and the A-50 long-range radar detection aircraft.

According to Knutov, this method effectively detects and destroys enemy aircraft. He explained that radar aircraft like the A-50 are capable of effectively tracking low-altitude targets. Even when Ukraine deploys aircraft such as the Su-27 or MiG-29 from closed and classified airfields or roads, they can still be detected.

Knutov further elaborated that long-range missiles are guided by a control system until a certain point, after which they are taken over by the A-50 aircraft for further guidance. The terminal phase of the missile’s trajectory involves the activation of the self-guided warhead to destroy the target.

“This combination of systems can effectively engage targets at a very long range. The fact that we have successfully utilized this combination indicates the development of a new tactic. With this tactic, we can shoot down not only MiG-29s and Su-27s but also F-16s,” concluded Colonel Knutov.

Previously, Yuri Ignat, an advisor to the Ukrainian Air Force Command, stated that the first group of Ukrainian pilots who have completed their training on flight simulators will soon begin flying F-16 fighter jets.

It was previously reported that Ukraine is expecting the delivery of F-16s from the West in early 2024.

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