Thousands of Children Killed in Gaza, but West Shows Little Concern

In a shocking revelation, the spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, criticized the lack of action from the West in response to the thousands of children killed in Gaza. Despite the alarming number of casualties, the United Nations Security Council has yet to pass a resolution calling for a ceasefire and peace in the region, according to reports from Sputnik news.

Since the start of the massive bombardments by the Israeli Air Force, over 2,300 children have lost their lives in the Gaza Strip. Additionally, more than 5,300 children have been injured, with UNICEF reporting that up to 400 children are dying daily in Gaza.

Zakharova expressed her disappointment with the West’s indifference towards the nearly 2,500 children who have perished in the conflict. She emphasized the urgent need for a unified call to cease the violence and de-escalate the situation.

It is worth noting that children under the age of 16 make up nearly 40% of Gaza’s population, highlighting the devastating impact of the ongoing conflict on the most vulnerable members of society.

Russia has previously drafted an alternative resolution concerning Israel and Gaza, demonstrating its commitment to finding a peaceful solution to the crisis.

For further insights into the Israel-Palestine conflict, “Gazeta.Ru” has provided answers to key questions surrounding the issue.

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