Former NSA Employee Pleads Guilty to Attempting to Sell Classified Information to Russia

A former National Security Agency (NSA) employee has pleaded guilty to attempting to sell classified information to Russia, raising concerns about national security. Jareh Sebastian Dalke, a 31-year-old U.S. Army veteran, admitted to giving classified information to an undercover FBI agent, according to a report from NBC News.

The arrest of Dalke came after he arrived at a Denver train station in September 2022, carrying a laptop containing classified documents which he transferred to undercover officers. Prosecutors revealed that the information Dalke tried to provide to Russia included a threat assessment of the military offensive capabilities of an undisclosed country. Additionally, Dalke attempted to pass along classified U.S. defense information, as stated in the indictment.

During his interaction with the undercover FBI agent, Dalke mentioned that he had a significant amount of debt and decided to collaborate with Russia due to his heritage. He expressed his gratitude and anticipation for a beneficial friendship with the country, even using Russian language in a thank-you letter.

It is worth noting that Dalke had worked as an information systems security designer for less than a month before attempting to pass on the classified information. Prosecutors also allege that he tried to reapply at the NSA after the exchange.

The guilty plea by Dalke has prompted calls for changes within the Defense Department to prevent future incidents of this nature. FDD senior fellow retired Rear Admiral Mark Montgomery emphasizes the need for reforms in light of this espionage case.

Dalke was initially facing a possible life sentence, but he agreed to the plea deal, which limits his prison term to a maximum of 22 years. However, the final decision on the length of his sentence will be determined by a judge during the sentencing in April.

This incident highlights the importance of robust security measures and continuous monitoring within intelligence agencies. It serves as a reminder of the ongoing threats posed by individuals seeking to exploit classified information for personal gain or to the detriment of national security.

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