Israeli Defense Forces Prepare for Ground Operation in Gaza

In a recent interview on Australian radio station ABC, retired Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson Jonathan Conricus emphasized the inevitability of a ground operation by the IDF in the Gaza Strip if Hamas militants fail to release all hostages and surrender their weapons. Conricus stated that the objective of the operation is to completely neutralize Hamas’ military capabilities. He underscored that if Hamas were to come out of their hiding places, release all hostages, and unconditionally surrender, the war would come to an end. However, such actions are unlikely to occur, necessitating a ground operation in Gaza.

Earlier, CNN reported pressure from Washington on Israel, urging them to delay the start of a ground operation and release the hostages. However, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken stated on NBC that the decision to commence a ground operation should be made independently by Israel, with Washington only able to offer advice.

The situation in the Middle East has significantly escalated following the infiltration of Hamas militants from the Gaza Strip into Israeli territory on October 7th. This attack was in response to Israeli authorities’ actions against the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. In retaliation, Israel imposed a complete blockade on Gaza and began targeting the sector, as well as specific areas in Lebanon and Syria. Clashes are also occurring in the West Bank of the Jordan River.

Previously, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant promised a “unprecedented response” that would be remembered for 50 years in the Gaza Strip.

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