Israel Announces Three-Stage Military Campaign against Hamas, Aims for New Security Regime in Gaza

Israel’s Defense Minister, Yoav Galant, has revealed details of Israel’s strategy for its upcoming military campaign against Hamas in Gaza. The campaign will be conducted in three stages and will culminate in the establishment of a new security regime in the region.

According to Galant, the first priority for Israel is to eliminate the military capabilities and infrastructure of Hamas. Following this, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) will focus on suppressing any remaining pockets of resistance. Finally, the Israeli authorities aim to establish a new security regime in Gaza that does not rely on Israel for the well-being of its residents.

Galant emphasized that there is consensus within the Israeli government regarding these objectives. However, he also acknowledged that the campaign will not be a short-term endeavor, stating that it will take more than a day, week, or even a month to achieve the desired outcomes.

In parallel with the announcement, Israel has decided not to send its representatives to the upcoming summit on the Palestinian issue, scheduled to take place in Egypt on October 21. The summit aims to bring together diplomats and politicians from over 30 countries to discuss the resolution of the Middle East crisis.

Earlier, the United States explained the necessity of Israel’s operation in Gaza.

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