Russian Defense Ministry Detects British Aircraft near the Black Sea

The Russian Ministry of Defense has reported the detection of British fighters near the Black Sea. According to the ministry’s statement, Russian fighter crews identified the airborne targets as the RC-135 radio reconnaissance and electronic warfare aircraft, as well as two multi-role Typhoon fighters of the British Royal Air Force.

It is emphasized that the British aircraft did not violate Russian airspace but turned away from the border after the approach of Russian military Su-27 planes.

According to the ministry, the Russian fighters conducted border patrols without crossing airspace routes or engaging in dangerous proximity with foreign aircraft over neutral waters.

On October 18, Yuri Shvytkin, the deputy chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee, stated that the patrol of the airspace over the Black Sea by MiG-31 aircraft armed with “Kinjal” missiles is necessary due to provocations from Western countries.

Prior to this, the Turkish Minister of Defense, Mevlut Cavusoglu, announced that Ankara plans to continue restricting the entry of military vessels from non-Black Sea countries into the Bosporus and Dardanelles straits.

Earlier, the Netherlands and Denmark confirmed that the United States had approved the shipment of F-16 fighters to Ukraine.

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