GOP Senators Clash with Democrat Nominee Jack Lew Over Past Work on Iran Sanctions

Protestors disrupt the nomination hearing of Jack Lew, the Democratic nominee for ambassador to Israel, as Republican Senators raise concerns about his controversial past involving Iran. During a Senate Foreign Relations Committee nomination hearing on Wednesday, Republicans pressed Lew on his previous involvement with Iran sanctions. The hearing was briefly interrupted by pro-Palestinian demonstrators protesting against Israel, but resumed without further disruption. Lew defended his record on the Iran deal and expressed his commitment to a negotiated two-state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, emphasizing the threat Iran poses to regional stability and Israel’s security. However, GOP Senators expressed skepticism and highlighted Lew’s past actions in granting licenses for the conversion of Iranian assets worth billions of U.S. dollars using the U.S. financial system during his tenure as secretary to the Treasury under the Obama administration.

The Senate report from the investigative subcommittee of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee in 2018 revealed that the Obama administration attempted to convert $5.7 billion from U.S. banks to Iranian assets. Questions were raised about the transparency and disclosure surrounding this transfer, particularly as it involved a combination of foreign currencies and unidentified cargo planes. Lew’s involvement in the $1.7 billion settlement, part of a long-standing disagreement over an arms deal signed before the 1979 Iranian revolution, also faced scrutiny. Republican Senators criticized Lew for his voting record in favor of the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334, which declared Israel had “no legal validity” and accused him of contributing to the appeasement campaign with Iran during the Obama administration.

The nomination hearing sparked discussions among GOP senators who expressed their opposition to Lew’s confirmation, citing concerns about the Iran nuclear deal and the recent attacks by Hamas, which is backed by Iran. GOP Senators claimed that appointing Lew as U.S. Ambassador to Israel would be beneficial to Iran, given his role in administering sanctions under the Iran nuclear deal. Senator Marsha Blackburn and Senator Tom Cotton, among others, voiced their intention to vote against Lew’s confirmation and rallied support from their Republican colleagues.

The confirmation vote for Lew will take place in a business meeting next week, followed by confirmation by the entire Senate if approved. The GOP’s criticism of the Iran deal and concerns about Iranian influence on Hamas have contributed to the opposition against Lew’s confirmation. Republicans argue that a new policy towards Iran should be reflected in the rejection of Lew’s nomination. Despite Democratic efforts to expedite Lew’s confirmation to demonstrate support for Israel, several Republican senators are likely to oppose his confirmation, potentially leading to a delay.

In conclusion, the nomination hearing for Jack Lew as ambassador to Israel sparked a clash between Republican Senators and the Democratic nominee over his past involvement with Iran sanctions. Republican senators expressed concerns about the transparency and consequences of Lew’s actions during his tenure in the Obama administration. The opposition to Lew’s confirmation reflects the GOP’s criticism of the Iran nuclear deal and their desire for a new approach to Iran. The future of Lew’s confirmation remains uncertain as GOP senators rally against his nomination, potentially causing a delay in the confirmation process.

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