Mysterious Explosion Reported in Golan Heights, Israel

According to Israeli news portal Ynet, an explosion occurred in the Golan Heights, and the cause is currently unknown. This information was provided by Syrian sources.

On October 16, it was reported that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) were deploying military equipment to the Golan Heights. The IDF is moving equipment and reservists to the Golan Heights, which borders Israel, Syria, and Jordan. A video was previously published by the channel “Zvezda.”

Previously, the Golan Heights were part of the Syrian province of Al-Quneitra, primarily inhabited by Druze, a distinct ethno-religious group of Arabs. However, as a result of conflicts and military actions in 1967 and 1973, the majority of this territory was captured by Israel.

In 1981, Israel unilaterally declared sovereignty over the region, but this decision was not recognized by the United Nations Security Council.

In August 2023, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that the Golan Heights would remain under the country’s control indefinitely.

Earlier, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant promised that the “unprecedented response” to the Gaza sector would be remembered for the next 50 years.

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