Russian Military Expert Claims Ukrainian ‘Smart’ Bombs Pose a Challenge for Russian Forces

In a recent interview with “Izvestiya,” military expert Alexey Leonkov revealed that the ground-launched small diameter bombs (GLSDB) being used by the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) are designed to leave no trace behind. Unlike conventional rockets fired from barrage systems, these “smart” bombs cannot be easily tracked due to their lack of an inversion trail, making them a difficult target.

According to Leonkov, the GLSDB is still considered experimental by the Americans. While there have been several launches of these bombs during special military operations, Russian forces have managed to counter them every time.

“The barrage system was supposed to have an industrial range of 130-160 km. It is also highly accurate, flying precisely to the target coordinates and successfully destroying them. It seems that the Americans are planning to create a so-called ‘long arm’,” explained the expert.

On October 18, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that Russian forces operating in the special operation zone in Ukraine had intercepted five operational-tactical missiles and four American GLSDB guided bombs using their air defense systems within a 24-hour period.

Previously, a Russian captain had identified the most useful types of weaponry in the special operation zone.

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