Senator Marco Rubio Calls for Deportation of Foreign Nationals Supporting Hamas

In the wake of the recent terrorist attack by Hamas in Israel, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida is leading a resolution to deport foreigners and cancel their visas if they support the Islamic militant group. Rubio’s office has stated that he plans to request unanimous consent to pass the resolution without going through the usual formalities of a full debate and vote on the floor.

The resolution specifically requests that the president revoke visas and initiate deportation proceedings for any foreign national who has endorsed or espoused the terrorist activities of Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, or other terrorist groups involved in the attacks against Israel. It also highlights the fact that Hamas terrorists have operated death squads tasked with exterminating Jews and hostage-taking squads tasked with abducting Jews for ransom, propaganda, and torture.

Citing a former Hamas leader’s call for a “Day of Rage,” the resolution points out that some individuals in the U.S. responded to this call and incited others to endorse Hamas. Antisemitic protests and riots in various cities across the country, including South Florida, Washington D.C., New York City, Pittsburgh, Los Angeles, and Portland, Oregon, were also mentioned.

Rubio argues that while America is known for its generosity, it cannot allow foreign nationals who support terrorist groups like Hamas to enter or stay in the country. This resolution comes in the wake of universities such as Harvard, UCLA, Columbia, and the University of Virginia blaming Israel for the attacks. Rubio’s resolution follows his letter to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, in which he first called for visas to be revoked from foreigners who support Hamas.

Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas has also demanded action against foreign nationals supporting Hamas in a separate letter to the Department of Homeland Security. Cotton argues that these individuals have no place in the United States and calls for their immediate deportation.

Since Hamas launched its attack on October 7th, more than 4,200 people have been killed in Gaza and Israel, with thousands more wounded and taken hostage by Hamas. Rubio emphasizes that these individuals should never have been allowed into the country and that once their support for Hamas is known, they should be deported.

In conclusion, Senator Marco Rubio is leading the charge to deport foreigners who support Hamas in response to the recent terrorist attack in Israel. The resolution aims to revoke visas and initiate deportation proceedings for those who have endorsed or espoused the terrorist activities of Hamas and other groups involved in the attacks. Rubio argues that these individuals have no place in the United States, and the resolution has garnered support from Senator Tom Cotton and others. The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas has resulted in thousands of casualties, and Rubio emphasizes the need to take action against those who support terrorism.

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