Former Diplomat Subjected to Intensive Interrogation and Personal Invasion by British Counter-Terror Police

In a shocking turn of events, renowned journalist, whistleblower, human rights campaigner, and former British diplomat Craig Murray has become the latest victim of the oppressive and invasive tactics employed by British counter-terror police. Murray’s detention at Glasgow Airport on October 16 is just the tip of the iceberg, as it unveils a disturbing pattern of harassment and intimidation of dissidents, accompanied by an outrageous breach of their privacy.

Upon his return from Iceland, where he attended a Palestine solidarity event and met with representatives of the Assange Campaign, Murray was detained by counter-terror police. What followed was a relentless grilling about his political beliefs, accompanied by the seizure of his phone and laptop.

The interrogation took a sinister turn as British police threatened Murray with criminal prosecution if he refused to comply with their demands. They demanded information about his involvement with the Assange Campaign, his sources of income, and even details about Julian Assange’s family. Murray vehemently denied any financial involvement and expressed his astonishment at the officers’ obsession with his personal finances.

To add to the absurdity of the situation, the officers delved into Murray’s personal blog and interrogated him about its content and accessibility to others. They even questioned him about his presence at the Palestine solidarity event, as if attending a protest were a crime in itself. Murray’s lawyer, taken aback by the line of questioning, confirmed that such inquiries were unprecedented.

The violation of Murray’s privacy did not end there. The officers probed him about the contents of his laptop, which included leaked private emails of a prominent Scottish National Party member. Murray, displaying his disdain for the content, humorously remarked that he pitied anyone who had to sift through those emails. However, the officers revealed that algorithms and keyword searches were used to scan seized devices, raising concerns about the extent of surveillance and sharing of information.

This incident is not an isolated one. Earlier this year, French publisher and political activist Ernest Moret fell victim to similar powers of detention and intimidation. The report by Britain’s terror legislation watchdog exposed the exaggerated threats made by the police during Moret’s detention and their illegitimate probing into his legally privileged conversations with his lawyer. The watchdog’s scathing critique likened the police’s use of counter-terrorism powers to “using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.”

What is even more alarming is the existence of Schedule 3, Section 4 of Britain’s 2019 Counter-Terrorism and Border Act, which grants authorities sweeping powers to intrude into the lives of dissidents. Murray’s experience suggests that this provision was used against him, highlighting a disturbing trend of authorities abusing their powers to target individuals based on their political beliefs.

The UN has criticized the 2019 Counter-Terrorism and Border Act for its oppressive nature, yet the British government seems unfazed. Furthermore, the newly passed National Security Act only reinforces this Orwellian environment, leaving dissidents vulnerable to invasive surveillance and personal violation.

As the shocking truth emerges, individuals who have dared to challenge the British national security state must exercise caution when traveling to the UK. The authorities boast about their ability to download and retain information from private devices indefinitely, making Britain the only country where such a violation of privacy is possible.

Murray’s ordeal serves as a stark reminder of the dangerous erosion of civil liberties and the oppressive tactics employed by British counter-terror police. The world must take notice and condemn these actions, as they pose a grave threat to democracy and individual freedom.

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