Record Number of People on FBI Watchlist Apprehended at US-Mexico Border as Biden Administration Reaches Settlement on Immigration Policies

Border Patrol agents have recently apprehended a record number of individuals on the FBI terror watchlist at the US-Mexico border, according to FOX News’ Bill Melugin. This development comes as the Biden administration has reached a court settlement with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) regarding immigration policies. The settlement, if approved by a judge, would have significant implications for the treatment of families at the border.

Under the settlement, the federal government would be prohibited from implementing immigration policies that separate parents and children for at least eight years. Families that were separated under the Trump administration would be provided with temporary legal status and short-term housing aid. Additionally, parents of separated children would be allowed to come to the US under humanitarian parole for three years and work in the country. The families would also receive housing aid for up to a year and medical and behavioral health benefits to address the trauma associated with the separations.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas expressed the administration’s commitment to prevent the repetition of past cruelty towards families at the border. However, former President Donald Trump, a Republican and front-runner for the party’s presidential nomination, has not ruled out reviving the zero-tolerance policy if he wins the next election.

During the Trump administration, controversy surrounded the separation of children from their parents or guardians after illegally crossing into the United States. These children, who could not be held in criminal custody, were transferred to the Department of Health and Human Services and often sent to live with a sponsor. Trump eventually reversed course in 2018 amid criticism from Democrats. Numerous families filed lawsuits against the federal government seeking monetary damages and policy changes.

The settlement between the Biden administration and the ACLU is seen as a positive step towards reunifying families and providing them with an opportunity to seek lawful status. Although nothing can fully repair the damage caused, this settlement is seen as a start. On his first day in office, President Biden issued an executive order to prioritize the reunification of these families. According to the Department of Homeland Security, as of February, 74% of the separated children had been reunited with their families.

Meanwhile, the number of illegal migrants at the southern border continues to rise, with Republicans blaming Democrats and the Biden administration for policies that have fueled the surge. A recent report by Republicans on the House Homeland Security Committee held DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas responsible for the “devastating human costs” of the migrant crisis, including child trafficking and overwhelmed Border Patrol agents. The report also highlighted the ongoing issue of fentanyl trafficking from Mexico.

The settlement plan between the federal government and the ACLU is currently awaiting approval from a judge. Opponents of the settlement have the opportunity to raise objections before the hearing. This article was contributed to by Adam Shaw from Digital and The Associated Press.

Overall, this development at the US-Mexico border and the settlement reached by the Biden administration and the ACLU have significant implications for immigration policies and the treatment of families. The ongoing debate between Republicans and Democrats regarding border security and immigration continues to be a contentious issue in US politics.

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