Republican Jim Jordan Consolidating Support Ahead of Speaker Election Vote

Republican Representative Jim Jordan, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, is making strides in gaining support within the divided Republican conference as the vote for a new House Speaker approaches. Jordan’s bid for the speakership has faced opposition in the past, but he has spent the weekend convincing holdouts and securing endorsements from key Republican lawmakers.

One such lawmaker is Representative Ann Wagner from Missouri, who initially expressed hesitancy but now fully supports Jordan’s nomination for speaker. Wagner cited Jordan’s commitment to conservative funding, strong border security, international support during times of war and unrest, and stronger protections against human trafficking and child exploitation as reasons for her endorsement.

Despite facing some GOP opposition, Jordan remains determined to hold a House-wide vote on his leadership, scheduled for Tuesday at noon. Moderates have expressed concerns about Jordan’s alliance with former President Donald Trump and his previous role as chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, known for its hardline-right stance. However, Jordan has managed to secure important endorsements, including those from Representative Ken Calvert of California and House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mike Rogers of Alabama.

Rogers, who initially expressed opposition to Jordan and hinted at the possibility of working with Democrats to find a new leader, has since had productive conversations with Jordan and now supports his bid for speaker. The endorsement from Rogers, along with the support of other key lawmakers, strengthens Jordan’s chances of becoming the next House Speaker.

In his efforts to unite the Republican conference, Jordan has been actively engaging with members through phone conversations and in-person meetings. He has worked tirelessly throughout the weekend to maintain momentum and gain the necessary support ahead of Tuesday’s vote.

The race for the next House Speaker is crucial for Republicans, who aim to prevent control of the House from falling into the hands of what they view as radical liberal Democrats. Jordan’s conservative stance and commitment to Republican principles have resonated with many within the party, leading to a growing wave of support for his candidacy.

As the speaker election vote approaches, all eyes will be on Jim Jordan and the outcome of this significant leadership position within the House of Representatives. Stay tuned for updates on the latest developments in this race.

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