Israel’s Defense Forces Utilize Precise and Lawful Weapons in Gaza Sector

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have declared that they are employing the lightest and most accurate weaponry in the Gaza sector, acting in accordance with international law, as reported by the Israeli news portal, Ynet. Jonathan Conricus, the spokesperson for the IDF, emphasized that the Israeli military is committed to international law and strives to use the lightest and most precise weapons available to target specific objectives in the Gaza sector. He also noted that the IDF’s weapons meet NATO standards.

Previously, US President Joe Biden stated that the Israeli occupation of the Gaza sector would be a significant mistake. He attributed the recent escalation in the Gaza sector to the Hamas Palestinian movement, pointing out that extremist elements within the movement do not represent all Palestinians. According to the American leader, Israel should adhere to the “rules of war” when conducting military operations against the Hamas Palestinian group.

Earlier, Israel’s Defense Minister, Yoav Galant, promised that the Gaza sector would remember their unprecedented response for the next 50 years.

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