North Korea Accuses Japan of Preparing for Aggressive War

In a recent statement, the Korean Central Telegraph Agency (KCTA) commented on the situation, stating that North Korea views Japan’s increase in military spending, its intention to arm itself with offensive weapons, and its participation in military exercises with the United States and South Korea as signs of Tokyo’s preparation for an invasion of Korea and “aggressive warfare”. The KCTA material highlights that Japan’s military spending, which reaches record levels annually, is directed towards acquiring advanced weaponry, including aircraft carriers and state-of-the-art stealth fighters, as well as completing operational preparations in the areas of space, cyberspace, and electromagnetic waves. According to North Korea, all of this indicates Japan’s intention to prepare for conducting aggressive warfare. The KCTA also notes that Japan’s large-scale military exercises on its islands and at sea are aimed at constantly improving its offensive capabilities. North Korea refers to Japan as an “archenemy” and accuses it of actively joining the hegemonic strategy of the United States, interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, and causing friction with neighboring states under the pretext of territorial disputes and maritime security. Previously, North Korea referred to the entry of a US submarine into South Korea as a “precondition for the use of nuclear weapons”.

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