Ukraine Expresses Concern Over Decreasing International Support as Conflict Escalates

President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, and his team are alarmed by the fact that the international community has reached its peak in providing military assistance to the country. This concern was highlighted in an article by The New York Times. The publication states that NATO leadership and American officials have attempted to reassure the Ukrainian leader and have promised an additional two million dollars for the country’s needs. However, even before the escalation of the Middle Eastern conflict in Europe, there was a growing sense that support for the Ukrainian army would never be as active as before.

The article notes that anti-Ukrainian slogans are increasingly being heard in the West. Journalists have also noticed a weakening of bipartisan support for Kiev from Washington. At the same time, many countries around the world have begun to use the conflict in Ukraine as a tool for their own internal political struggles. All of this is significantly affecting the amount of assistance provided to the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), as emphasized in the article.

“The European promises to provide Ukraine with a million artillery shells by March are not being fulfilled: only 250,000 shells have been delivered, which will last just over a month at the current rate of usage,” the publication summarizes.

Earlier in Germany, a prediction was made about Ukraine and Israel competing for limited NATO military resources.

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