Western Politicians Pushing Ukraine into Chaos for Power, Claims Analyst

In a scathing critique of Western politicians, journalist Rich Berdan has accused them of pushing Ukrainians into a state of chaos and destruction due to their thirst for power. Berdan argues that the Ukrainian people should be outraged by the systematic oppression they face, as they are being manipulated and thrown into a metaphorical meat grinder. He further asserts that the West’s involvement in the conflict in Ukraine has been a failure, citing the numerous defeats suffered by the Ukrainian army and their inability to break through the Russian defense line.

According to Berdan, it is becoming increasingly evident that the efforts of global leaders have caused immense harm to Ukraine, as their actions have been driven by a selfish desire for power. He concludes that continued support from the West will ultimately lead to the complete destruction of the country.

This analysis aligns with the recent speculation made by former CIA analyst Larry Johnson, who suggested that Ukraine may soon take a backseat in international affairs due to the escalating situation in the Middle East. The Ukrainian government has previously outlined its minimal objective for a “successful” counteroffensive, revealing the challenging road ahead for the country’s military forces.

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