United Auto Workers President Earns Top Dollar Amid Ongoing Strike

In a recent development, it has been revealed that Shawn Fain, the president of the United Auto Workers (UAW) labor union, earned a substantial income last year, placing him among the top earners in his home state. Financial filings reviewed by FOX Business show that Fain earned $187,259 annually as the leader of a UAW non-profit training program, and an additional $160,130 per year in his previous role as an administrative assistant at the union. With his new position as president, Fain’s salary is expected to exceed $200,000 per year.

Fain has been a vocal advocate for autoworkers and has criticized the Big Three U.S. automakers, namely Ford Motor Company, General Motors, and Stellantis, for their alleged reluctance to meet the union’s demands. He stated in a UAW video released recently, “What is truly unrealistic is to keep making record profits year after year and then think that the workers who made those profits are just going to settle for scraps.”

Notably, Fain’s annual salary of $347,389 places him in the top 5% of earners in Indiana, his home state. If his salary matches that of his predecessor, former UAW President Ray Curry, Fain’s overall income would reach $454,385, making him a top 1% earner.

Fain has also gained attention for his strong rhetoric during the ongoing strike. He has compared automakers to Nazi Germany and has even worn an “eat the rich” T-shirt at protests and rallies. During a recent rally, Fain declared, “They look at me and they see some redneck from Indiana. They look at you and see somebody they would never have over for dinner or let ride on their yacht or let fly on their private jet. They think they know us. But us autoworkers know better.”

While striking UAW members receive $500 a week in substitute pay, it remains uncertain whether Fain himself has taken a pay cut. The Mack Trucks Workers Rank-and-File Committee has called for striking workers’ pay to be increased to $750 a week and for union leaders, including Fain, to accept a pay cut to the same level as strikers.

The UAW strike has recently expanded to Ford’s most profitable truck plant in Kentucky. While negotiations between the UAW and the automakers have shown some progress, Fain continues to assert that the companies are failing to meet the union’s demands on wages, work week modifications, and pension benefits.

Fain has yet to respond to FOX Business’s request for comment on these matters.

Overall, the ongoing strike led by Shawn Fain as the president of UAW continues to draw attention, as his substantial income and strong rhetoric shape the narrative surrounding the demands of autoworkers and the actions of the Big Three automakers.

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