Texas Elementary School Teacher Resigns After Giving Students Melatonin Gummies

A Texas elementary school teacher from Humble Independent School District (ISD) has resigned after an investigation revealed that she gave melatonin gummies to some of her students in September. The incident came to light after officials received information about the teacher’s actions at Pine Forest Elementary School in Houston. Melatonin, a hormone that promotes sleep, is typically produced by the human body, but melatonin supplements can be used for short-term sleep aid.

Upon receiving the tip, Humble ISD officials launched an investigation, which determined that the teacher had provided the melatonin gummies without permission from parents and without informing the nurse and school administrators. District officials expressed their shock and disappointment, stating that the teacher’s decision was unacceptable. The teacher, who has not been identified, resigned in late September and has not been in a classroom since.

The incident was reported to the State Board for Educator Certification, Child Protective Services, and the police. The principal of Pine Forest Elementary School personally contacted all parents of the students in the teacher’s class to inform them about the incident. Fortunately, all students are reported to be doing well.

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) conducted a survey, which revealed that a significant number of parents in the U.S. have given melatonin to their children. Nearly half of parents (46%) have given melatonin to children under the age of 13, and almost one-third (30%) have given it to teenagers over the age of 13. However, the AASM issued a health advisory in 2022 warning against using melatonin for children due to the lack of regulation by the FDA. The increased use of melatonin has resulted in an uptick in reports of melatonin-related incidents, including calls to poison control centers and emergency room visits among children.

The incident involving the Texas elementary school teacher highlights the potential risks associated with the unregulated use of melatonin in children. While melatonin supplements may seem like a natural solution for sleep issues, experts urge caution and recommend consulting a healthcare professional before administering melatonin to children.

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