Heroic Bystanders Save Mother and Children from Oncoming Train in Kentucky

Surveillance footage captured a heart-stopping moment in La Grange, Kentucky, when quick-thinking onlookers came to the rescue of a mother and her children whose car had stalled on train tracks. The incident, which occurred last weekend, was captured by Virtual Railfan, a company that provides live video feeds of train crossings across the country.

The white SUV belonging to the family can be seen struggling to move at the intersection of Main and First streets. As the train approaches, the car comes to a halt right in its path. Despite the commotion, a police cruiser can be seen passing through the intersection. However, Major Bruce Goodfleisch of the Louisville Police Department clarified that the officer was not unaware of the situation. He explained that the officer, who was off duty at the time, had noticed the stalled vehicle and the activated crossing guard. Reacting swiftly, the officer maneuvered his vehicle and swung around to a safer position.

In the footage, a child is seen running out of the car, prompting the woman to instruct the child to return to the vehicle. Desperate to save her family, she attempts to push the SUV off the tracks herself but soon realizes she needs help. Just in the nick of time, two good Samaritans rush to her aid and assist in pivoting the vehicle away from the oncoming train. Miraculously, the train comes to a stop just a few feet away from where the car had stalled. Fortunately, no one was injured during the incident.

The Louisville Police Department confirmed that they have no record of the incident as no one called them or filed a report. It was a regular viewer of Virtual Railfan’s live stream, Bill Schneider, who brought the footage to the attention of local news outlet The Oldham Era. Schneider marveled at the train’s ability to stop in such a short distance, stating that it would typically require three football fields to stop at a speed of 10 miles per hour. He attributed the fortunate outcome to divine intervention, remarking that “God must have whispered in his ears while approaching to be very careful.”

The heroic actions of the bystanders and the close call captured on video serve as a reminder of the importance of remaining vigilant and ready to help others in times of crisis.

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