Turkish President Erdogan Condemns Israel’s Actions as a Massacre in Gaza Strip

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has strongly criticized Israel’s blockade and relentless bombings in the besieged Gaza Strip, labeling it a “massacre.” Speaking to members of his ruling AK Party in parliament on Wednesday, Erdogan expressed his dismay at the ongoing conflict, stating that even in war, there should be a sense of morality. However, the recent flare-up has severely violated that principle. Erdogan condemned Israel’s actions, which include cutting off electricity and water to Gaza and destroying vital infrastructure, describing them as shameful methods that amount to a massacre. He further emphasized Turkey’s opposition to the killing of civilians in Israel and the indiscriminate bombardments that have caused the deaths of defenseless innocents in Gaza.

The Israeli bombardments on Gaza since Saturday, triggered by an unprecedented raid by the Palestinian armed group Hamas inside Israel, have resulted in the deaths of at least 1,055 Palestinians and left thousands wounded. In addition, over 1,200 Israelis have lost their lives, with more than 100 taken hostage. Israel’s blockade has further exacerbated the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, with limited access to food and fuel for the enclave’s 2.3 million inhabitants, many of whom are impoverished and reliant on aid. The only power station in Gaza also stopped working, leaving the region without electricity.

Erdogan highlighted that Israel’s repressive policies toward the Palestinians are at the core of the conflict, cautioning that if Israel continues to act like an organization rather than a state, it will eventually be perceived as such. He criticized Israel’s disproportionate attacks on Gaza, stating they lacked any ethical foundation, and called on the international community to refrain from blindly taking sides. Erdogan emphasized that failing to address the underlying issues would only lead to more violent conflicts in the future.

Turkey, a longstanding supporter of the Palestinian cause and a host to members of Hamas, has been working towards improving its strained relationship with Israel in recent years. Unlike the European Union and the United States, Turkey does not consider Hamas a terrorist organization. Erdogan and his foreign minister have reached out to regional powers, including the United States, expressing their willingness to mediate in the ongoing conflict. However, Israel’s envoy to Ankara has stated that it is too early to discuss mediation.

In conclusion, Turkish President Erdogan’s strong condemnation of Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip as a “massacre” reflects the growing international concern over the escalating conflict. Erdogan emphasized the need for a fair and just position between the parties involved, based on humanitarian principles. Turkey’s offer to mediate demonstrates its commitment to finding a peaceful resolution to the crisis, although Israel remains hesitant about engaging in such discussions at this stage. The international community must take heed of Erdogan’s call and work towards a solution that addresses the root causes of the conflict and ensures the protection of innocent lives.

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