Russian Forces Destroy Arms Depot in Volchansk, Ukraine

The Ministry of Defense has reported an explosion at a Ukrainian Armed Forces ammunition depot in Volchansk, which was targeted by Russian troops. According to the statement, the depot belonged to foreign mercenaries operating in the area near the city of Volchansk in the Kharkiv region. Volchansk is situated just a few kilometers away from the Russian border. The Ministry of Defense also revealed that Ukrainian diversionary units and artillery, which have been shelling Russian cities and villages in the Belgorod region, are stationed in this area.

In a related incident, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced the interception of a Ukrainian drone attack in the Bryansk region. Two Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were shot down over the Bryansk region during the night of October 11. The previous day, the Russian Ministry of Defense had reported the prevention of another UAV attack in the same region. However, it is worth noting that none of the UAVs managed to reach their intended targets.

Prior to these events, Russia had developed a new drone suppression system to counter such threats. The system aims to neutralize unmanned aerial vehicles effectively.

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