California Governor Vetoes Bill to Outlaw Caste-based Discrimination, Sparking Controversy

In a move that has ignited controversy and deep divisions within the Indian American community, California Governor Gavin Newsom vetoed a bill on Saturday that aimed to make California the first U.S. state to outlaw caste-based discrimination. The bill, introduced by state Senator Aisha Wahab, would have included caste as a sub-category under ethnicity, providing legal protections for Dalits – those at the lowest strata of the caste system – against bias in housing, education, and the tech sector.

Newsom justified his decision by stating that California already prohibits discrimination based on various characteristics, such as sex, race, religion, and national origin, and that caste-based discrimination is already covered under these existing categories. His veto has been seen as a victory by opponents of the bill, including some Hindu groups who argued that it would unfairly target Hindus and people of Indian descent.

Proponents of the bill, led by the Oakland-based Dalit rights group Equality Labs, have been advocating for its passage through hunger strikes and grassroots campaigns. They have highlighted stories of discrimination in the workplace, housing, and education, emphasizing the need for legal protections. Despite the setback of the veto, they view their efforts as a victory in raising awareness about caste discrimination in the U.S.

The issue of caste discrimination is not limited to California, but rather extends worldwide. A United Nations report from 2016 revealed that at least 250 million people across Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Pacific regions, as well as in various diaspora communities, still face caste discrimination. Caste systems exist among followers of various religions, including Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Jains, Muslims, and Sikhs.

Earlier this year, Seattle became the first U.S. city to add caste to its anti-discrimination laws, and recently, Fresno became the second U.S. city and the first in California to prohibit discrimination based on caste. These developments have brought the issue to the forefront and sparked a debate about the necessity of specific legal protections against caste-based discrimination.

The vetoed bill has also garnered attention from Republican state senators Brian Jones and Shannon Grove, who called on Newsom to veto it, arguing that it would racially profile South Asian Californians and potentially expose businesses to unnecessary lawsuits. However, supporters of the bill maintain that it is a crucial step towards ensuring equality and justice for caste-oppressed individuals.

While Newsom’s veto has been met with disappointment by proponents of the bill, it has also highlighted the ongoing struggle against caste discrimination and the need for further awareness and advocacy. The debate surrounding the bill reflects the complexity and significance of addressing caste-based discrimination in the United States, as well as the challenges of navigating cultural and religious sensitivities within a diverse society.

As the conversation continues, it remains to be seen whether other states will follow Seattle and Fresno’s lead in enacting legislation to combat caste-based discrimination, or if alternative approaches will be explored to address this deeply rooted issue.

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