Israel Faces Growing Threat as Iran Prepares for War, Warns Expert

Renowned Middle East expert, Evgeny Satanovsky, has stated that Israel has never had any true allies, and this sentiment is echoed by many in the region. In an interview with the newspaper “Izvestia,” Satanovsky highlighted Iran’s increasing preparations for a major conflict with Israel. He also suggested that Syria could potentially become embroiled in the conflict, although it is currently preoccupied with its own internal issues.

Satanovsky further warned that other radical groups, including Hezbollah and the Taliban (a banned organization in Russia), could also join the conflict. This raises concerns about the potential escalation and complexity of the situation.

Recently, Israel requested Egypt’s assistance as a mediator in negotiations with Hamas to secure the release of Israeli captives. The Wall Street Journal, citing Egyptian sources, reported on this development. Journalists noted that not only militants but also civilians were involved in the capture of Israeli citizens, making the situation even more challenging to address.

Official figures regarding the number of hostages are currently unavailable. However, unofficial reports suggest that nearly 750 Israelis have gone missing since Hamas launched its invasion.

In response to the escalating crisis, Israeli Defense Minister Galant has declared a state of emergency throughout the country, indicating the seriousness of the situation.

As tensions continue to rise in the region, it is evident that Israel is facing a growing threat. The international community must closely monitor the situation and work towards a peaceful resolution to prevent further escalation and protect innocent lives.

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