Hamas Claims to Have Captured Israeli Hostages, Threatens to Exchange Them for Palestinian Prisoners

Hamas leader Saleh al-Aruri has announced that the movement has taken enough hostages from among Israeli citizens to exchange for all Palestinians, according to Reuters. Footage has previously emerged showing Palestinians capturing Israeli residents and sending them to the Gaza Strip. Similar scenes were recorded in border towns, including the city of Sderot. Israeli prisons currently hold a significant number of Palestinians, including members of Hamas and fighters from the Islamic Jihad organization (which is banned in Russia), who are accused of terrorism or planning attacks. The Israel Defense Forces have confirmed that Palestinians have captured residents and transported them to the Gaza Strip. Earlier, Abu Hamza, a representative of the Al-Quds Brigade, which is part of the Islamic Jihad, stated that they had captured Israeli soldiers during an operation near the Gaza Strip. Earlier, Israeli Defense Minister Galant declared a state of emergency throughout the country.

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