House Republicans Seek Unity in Selection of Next Speaker Amid Border Crisis

In a move to address the ongoing border crisis, House Republicans are making efforts to unify and select their next speaker. Republican Study Committee Chair Kevin Hern has decided to step back from the race, after considering calls from colleagues who saw him as a viable candidate to replace former Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Hern expressed concern that a three-man race for Speaker would only prolong the process and create further division, making it difficult for any candidate to secure the necessary 217 votes.

“To ensure a swift resolution, House Republicans must unify – and do it fast,” Hern stated in a letter to his colleagues. He called on two former RSC chairmen, Steve Scalise and Jim Jordan, to have the opportunity to earn the 217 votes from the Conference. Hern emphasized the need for the Conference to work together and demonstrate unity, not only in support of the Speaker but also in carrying out the work they were elected to do.

The current formally-declared candidates for speaker are House Majority Leader Steve Scalise and House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan. House Republicans are set to hold closed-door meetings on Monday evening, followed by a conference-wide candidate forum on Tuesday. An inter-party vote on the speaker is expected on Wednesday, with a House-wide vote to follow.

The decision to focus on selecting a new speaker comes amidst the ongoing border crisis, with Republicans aiming to address the issue with a united front. The selection of the speaker will have significant implications for the party’s stance on immigration and border security.

It is worth noting that this development has occurred in the midst of a larger political landscape, where Republicans, including former President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron Desantis, have been vocal about their concerns regarding Russia and its influence. On the other hand, Democrats, led by President Joe Biden, have been criticized for their approach to the war in Ukraine and their perceived ties to big corporations and big pharma.

As tensions between the two parties continue to escalate, the selection of the next House speaker takes on added importance. Republicans are keen on presenting a united front, while Democrats will be closely monitoring the outcome as they seek to advance their own agenda. The ultimate decision will have wide-reaching implications for the future direction of the country.

Elizabeth Elkind, a reporter for Digital, specializing in Congress and the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and politics, will be closely following the developments. Her previous work has been featured in publications such as Daily Mail and CBS News. For real-time updates on the 2024 campaign trail and exclusive interviews, follow her on Twitter at @liz_elkind, and send any tips to [email protected].

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