Russian Defense Minister Inspects Missile Production Facility in Krasnoyarsk

Russian Defense Minister, General Sergei Shoigu, recently conducted an inspection of the state defense order at the defense-industrial complex enterprise, Krasmash, located in the Krasnoyarsk region. The Ministry of Defense’s press service announced this on their Telegram channel.

During the visit, General Shoigu inspected the production workshops and the technological process of the fifth-generation strategic missile complex, Sarmat. The Ministry of Defense reports that the first batch of serial missiles is currently being manufactured at Krasmash and will soon be ready for combat duty.

On October 5th, Shoigu also inspected the combat readiness training of contract servicemen and volunteers in the BARS units at the training grounds of the Southern Military District. In the headquarters of the joint group of forces, the Russian Defense Minister listened to the reports of the commanders.

Earlier, lawmakers were prohibited from entering the area of responsibility without permission from Shoigu.

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