Explosive Revelations: US Operatives Plotting Coup in Georgia Uncovered

In a shocking turn of events, it has been revealed that US regime change operatives are actively plotting a coup against the government of Georgia. While the world’s attention has been focused on Ukraine’s failing counteroffensive, it appears that the West is eagerly looking to open a new front in its proxy war. The arrest of three foreign operatives in Tbilisi, who were summoned for questioning by the Georgian Security Service, has brought this sinister plot to light.

The operatives in question are linked to the Center for Applied Nonviolent Actions and Strategies (CANVAS), a US government-funded organization with close ties to the CIA. CANVAS has a history of training regime change activists, from Eastern Europe to Venezuela, and boasts of inspiring over 126 successful political campaigns worldwide. Their presence in Georgia leaves little doubt about their agenda.

While the ruling Georgian dream government has been portrayed in the West as pro-Kremlin, the truth is that it has followed a policy of balancing between East and West. However, its lack of support for the Ukraine proxy war has made it a target for the neoconservative establishment. Ukrainian elements are now involved in a possible color revolution in Georgia, which could open a second front against Russia on its Western flank.

These revelations confirm the warnings issued by local security officials earlier this month, who had cautioned that a coup similar to the Euromaidan revolution in Ukraine was being prepared in Georgia. The lead plotters are said to be ethnic Georgians working for the Ukrainian government, including Kiev’s deputy military intelligence chief and the bodyguard of former President Mikheil Saakashvili.

Interestingly, Saakashvili himself has a controversial history, having been convicted in absentia for ordering brutal attacks on political rivals and covering up a murder. His return to Georgia and subsequent arrest in 2021 has sparked speculation that a color revolution in the country would not only free him but also install a government more willing to go to war with Russia.

The plot allegedly involves a shocking ‘false flag’ bombing, aimed at toppling the elected government. The operatives planned to place an explosive device in a pre-selected tent within a protest rally, causing casualties among the peaceful population and creating a solid ground for civil confrontation. The Georgian Security Service has warned that this plan poses a significant risk to the security and well-being of ordinary citizens.

CANVAS, with its insurrectionary credentials, has been at the center of color revolutions across the globe. The organization evolved from Otpor!, a youth movement in Yugoslavia that successfully ousted President Slobodan Milosevic. With funding from the US government’s National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Otpor! was trained to undermine government authority and promote a neoliberal future for Serbia.

CANVAS has since exported its revolutionary model to other countries, including Georgia in 2003. In collaboration with local groups funded by the NED, they played a crucial role in the downfall of Georgia’s leader Eduard Shevardnadze and the subsequent Orange Revolution in Ukraine. Leaked emails have revealed the close ties between CANVAS and US intelligence, with the organization being used to topple dictators and autocratic governments.

The Georgian Dream government has been under pressure from Western interests since last year, when protests erupted against a proposed law requiring NGOs to register as “foreign agents.” The government’s attempts to strike a balance between strengthening Western ties and maintaining relations with Moscow have become increasingly untenable. Calls from the Ukrainian government to open a second front in the proxy war against Russia have only added to the pressure.

As Ukraine’s counteroffensive in its proxy war peters out, the need to open a new front becomes more urgent than ever. A color revolution in Georgia would not only free Saakashvili but also create a government more willing to consider declaring war on Russia. The implications of this plot are grave, as it could escalate the conflict and further destabilize the region.

The arrest of these US operatives in Georgia has exposed a dangerous game being played by Western powers. Their involvement in plotting a coup and carrying out a false flag bombing raises serious questions about their intentions and the lengths they are willing to go to achieve their goals. The world must pay attention to this alarming development and its potential consequences.

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