Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Receives Endorsement from Bipartisan Law Enforcement Officers for 2024 Presidential Race

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has received a significant endorsement ahead of his 2024 presidential campaign. A group of 60 bipartisan law enforcement officers from Florida have announced their support for DeSantis, a larger number than he received during his 2022 gubernatorial race. The endorsements come as DeSantis has been recognized in early nominating states for his actions as governor to back the blue and sign strong anti-crime laws, resulting in a 50-year low crime rate in Florida.

According to the campaign’s press release, DeSantis has been a staunch supporter of law enforcement throughout his tenure as governor. He has enacted numerous laws backing the police and implemented a signing bonus of up to $5,000 for new officers, which has attracted law enforcement personnel from across the country to the Sunshine State. This commitment to law and order has earned DeSantis the endorsement of 59 sheriffs during his 2022 gubernatorial campaign, where he was dubbed the “Law and Order” governor.

Sheriff Grady Judd of Polk County, one of the endorsing officers, praised DeSantis for his unwavering support for law enforcement and expressed confidence in his ability to bring back law and order to communities across the nation. The campaign further emphasized the need for a leader who will address the issue of runaway violent crime and ensure the safety of all citizens.

The campaign’s press release also highlighted DeSantis’ endorsement by the Florida Police Benevolent Association President, the largest police union in the state. The association’s president, John Kazanjian, praised DeSantis for making Florida a law-and-order state by investing in and supporting law enforcement officers who serve on the front lines in keeping communities safe and secure.

DeSantis’ commitment to supporting law enforcement and his track record of delivering results have resonated with these law enforcement officers. They believe that DeSantis is the right candidate to replace Joe Biden’s “soft-on-crime” policies and protect communities across the United States. With endorsements from both Republicans and Democrats, DeSantis is positioning himself as a unifying force in the upcoming presidential race.

As DeSantis continues to gain momentum in his campaign, his focus on restoring the American dream by prioritizing the economy remains a key issue. His actions as governor have not only strengthened Florida’s economy but also made significant strides in reducing crime rates. These achievements have garnered attention and support from law enforcement officers, who see DeSantis as a champion for their cause.

In conclusion, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has received an endorsement from 60 bipartisan law enforcement officers in Florida for his 2024 presidential race. This endorsement highlights DeSantis’ commitment to supporting law enforcement and his track record of delivering results in reducing crime rates. With endorsements from both Republicans and Democrats, DeSantis is positioning himself as a unifying candidate who can bring back law and order to communities across the nation.

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