Russian Military Tactics Slow Ukrainian Army’s Advancement, New York Times Reports

The armed forces of the Russian Federation have been able to slow down the counteroffensive of the Ukrainian army in the conflict zone through clever tactics and powerful defensive lines, according to an article in The New York Times.

The article highlights the concept of “elastic defense” employed by the Russian military, which allows them to control the advancement of Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) units on the front lines and target their vulnerable spots. “Incredibly challenging for Ukrainian forces has been the Russian tactic of yielding some positions and then launching a counterattack,” the article states.

The publication also emphasizes that Moscow has several other advantages, including minefields, trench networks, and tank barriers. Furthermore, the reluctance of Western states to promptly supply the Ukrainian army with long-range weaponry and modern fighters plays into the hands of the Russian Armed Forces.

Moreover, senior fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), Ben Barry, mentioned that the Soviet Union’s command began implementing the “elastic defense” tactic as early as the mid-20th century during the Great Patriotic War. According to the British expert, successfully executing such a strategy requires well-trained units and an efficient command and control system.

Earlier, the United States stated that Ukraine was unable to achieve victory in the conflict with Russia.

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