Serbian Defense Minister Says Armed Forces Ready to Enter Kosovo and Metohija

In a recent statement, the Minister of Defense of Serbia, Milos Vucevic, announced that the country’s armed forces are prepared to enter the territory of Kosovo and Metohija if Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic issues the corresponding order, as reported by TASS. Vucevic stated, “If the Serbian army receives such an order from the President of the Republic of Serbia as the supreme commander, stating that its units should enter the territory of Kosovo and Metohija as part of the Republic of Serbia, the armed forces will effectively, professionally, and successfully carry out this task.”

He also emphasized that all maneuvers of the Serbian Armed Forces within the country’s territory are conducted in accordance with national regulations, do not contradict UN Security Council Resolution 1244, and should not concern the international community. Previously, Vucic stated that he does not intend to order Serbian troops to enter Kosovo. He noted that he would reduce the number of Serbian forces in the region because escalating the conflict would be “counterproductive.”

Earlier, the North Atlantic Council authorized the use of its military contingent in Kosovo (KFOR) to stabilize the situation in the region. Kosovo has previously accused Serbia of open aggression.

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