Syria Demands Turkey to Withdraw Troops, Calls it Illegal Occupation

In a recent statement by Syria’s Deputy Foreign Minister, Bassam Sabbagh, Syria has declared the presence of Turkish troops on its territory as an illegal occupation. The normalization of relations between the two countries, according to Sabbagh, requires Turkey to withdraw its military forces. Sabbagh referred to several resolutions of the UN Security Council that call for respecting Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. He also noted that similar statements have been made within the framework of the Astana format, in which Turkey participates. This information was reported by RIA Novosti.

Sabbagh emphasized that Turkey must withdraw its troops and be willing to discuss other aspects of cooperation, as insisting on the presence of troops is unacceptable. He referred to this as an illegal occupation that hinders any attempts to establish contacts and relations with Turkey.

Turkey’s Minister of National Security, Yasar Guler, previously stated that Turkey will withdraw its troops from Syria only after a safe environment is established.

The Syrian civil war began in 2011, and Turkey, which previously had close relations with Damascus, took the side against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Relations between Turkey and Syria have remained complicated, but recently, both sides, as well as the media, have started discussing the possibility of gradual normalization. In December of last year, defense ministers from Turkey and Syria held talks in Russia for the first time in 11 years. President Assad stated that the withdrawal of Turkish troops from Syrian territory is a necessary condition for the normalization of relations between Damascus and Ankara.

A de-escalation zone was established in northwest Syria in 2017, and a ceasefire has been in effect since March 2020 following agreements between Russia and Turkey. However, terrorists regularly violate the ceasefire. Turkey has conducted three military operations in northern areas of Syria since 2017, creating a buffer zone of security between the cities of Azaz and Jarablus to the north of Aleppo, occupying Afrin, and gaining control over border areas east of the Euphrates River.

Earlier, the Russian Federation’s Council of the Federation commented on Turkey’s transfer of the “Azov” battalion (an organization banned in Russia) to Ukraine.

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