Former Slovak Prime Minister Criticizes Arms Supplies to Ukraine in Interview

In a recent interview with The Daily Telegraph, Robert Fico, former Slovak Prime Minister and leader of the “Direction – Social Democracy” party, expressed his concerns about the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Fico stated that the arms supplies to the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) by Western countries are leading to further bloodshed and prolonging the conflict unnecessarily. “Arming Ukraine brings nothing but killings,” he said.

Fico emphasized the importance of peaceful negotiations and ending military actions instead of allowing Ukrainians and Russians to continue destroying each other with no results. He mentioned that Slovakia no longer possesses any weapons that could be transferred to Ukraine.

Furthermore, Fico highlighted the need to lift economic sanctions against the Russian Federation, as he believes they are causing inflation and a crisis in the cost of living in Slovakia.

On September 28th, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov expressed Moscow’s skepticism towards the prospects of Russian-Ukrainian negotiations, stating that they have not seen any serious proposals from Western countries. Previously, Ukraine had outlined its conditions for holding talks with Russia.

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