Hollywood Sex Therapist’s Ex-Boyfriend Convicted of Murder for Fatal Balcony Fall

Amie Harwick, a Hollywood sex therapist who was once engaged to comedian Drew Carey, tragically lost her life after falling from the third-floor balcony of her Hollywood home. On Thursday, her ex-boyfriend, Gareth Pursehouse, was convicted of murder for tossing her off the balcony in 2020. The Los Angeles jury deliberated for nearly eight hours before finding Pursehouse guilty of murder while “lying in wait” and first-degree burglary. He now faces life in prison without the possibility of parole and will be sentenced on December 6.

During a press conference, prosecutor Catherine Mariano highlighted the evidence indicating Pursehouse’s malicious intent and desire to harm Harwick. She described the act as an “absolute desperate act.” The case revealed a troubling history between the couple, as Harwick had obtained two restraining orders against Pursehouse after their split in 2012. However, their paths crossed again in January 2020, reigniting Pursehouse’s obsession with Harwick.

The situation escalated on Valentine’s Day when Pursehouse broke into Harwick’s home and waited for her return. When Harwick arrived and encountered Pursehouse, a struggle ensued, during which he strangled and beat her. Harwick’s piercing screams alerted her roommate, who promptly called the police. In a panic, Pursehouse dumped Harwick’s injured body over the balcony and fled the scene. The fall resulted in severe injuries, including a shattered pelvis and brain and liver damage. Harwick later succumbed to her injuries at the hospital.

Prosecutors argued that Pursehouse had planned to kill Harwick for cutting him out of her life. They presented evidence of his premeditation, including a syringe filled with a deadly dose of nicotine that he left behind in her home. Pursehouse’s defense claimed that he had only intended to talk to Harwick and had prepared the concoction for himself. However, the jury rejected this argument, finding him guilty of murder.

In the aftermath of the tragedy, Drew Carey, Harwick’s former fiancé, spoke out about her fear of Pursehouse. He revealed that even during their relationship, she was deathly afraid of him. Carey and Harwick had ended their engagement in 2018 but remained friends. Carey expressed his grief and the impact Harwick had on his life, stating, “You want an intimate relationship where you can open up to somebody completely and be yourself. And she was that for me.”

Pursehouse’s attorneys have not yet commented on the conviction. The sentencing will take place on December 6.

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