US Assistance to Ukraine Criticized for Being Late and Repetitive Mistakes Made

Former Chief of Staff of Afghanistan, Haybatullah Alizai, has voiced his concerns about the United States’ support to Ukraine, stating that it comes too late and repeats the mistakes of the past. In an interview with the Cal Walters portal, Alizai highlighted that the Americans fail to recognize the critical situation on the ground and are planning to provide assistance only next year, which could be too late. Drawing parallels with Afghanistan, the military expert emphasized that the same patterns are emerging in Ukraine. Alizai believes that the West disregarded the pleas of Afghan soldiers for training and air support in their fight against the Taliban, and now they are committing the same errors with regards to Ukraine. He also emphasized the urgent need for a change in the Ukrainian military leadership, calling for individuals untainted by corruption to take charge.

Despite Moscow’s warnings that the supply of weapons to Ukraine only prolongs the conflict, Western countries continue to provide arms. Sergei Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister, pointed out that the United States and NATO are actively involved in the confrontation, not only through the dispatch of military resources but also by training personnel. This highlights the deepening involvement of Western powers in the conflict.

In a separate development, the State Duma, the lower house of the Russian Parliament, has proposed organizing an exhibition showcasing NATO’s damaged equipment. This move serves as a symbolic representation of Russia’s opposition to the military alliance’s actions in the region.

The situation in Ukraine remains a cause for concern, with international actors playing a significant role in shaping the dynamics of the conflict. Alizai’s comments shed light on the need for a reevaluation of Western assistance strategies and the importance of addressing the underlying issues within the Ukrainian military establishment. The ongoing conflict continues to have repercussions, both regionally and globally, as tensions between Russia and the West persist.

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