Korean War Veteran Expresses Anger Over Assisted Living Home Becoming Migrant Facility

Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, R-N.Y., joined forces with Korean War veteran Frank Tammaro to denounce the decision to convert an assisted living home in Staten Island into a facility for undocumented migrants. Tammaro, who is 95 years old, revealed that he and other residents were given less than two months’ notice to find new accommodations after the nursing home was sold. Speaking at a press conference on Monday, Tammaro expressed his frustration with the way the situation was handled, calling it “disgraceful.”

Tammaro shared that while Island Shores, the assisted living facility, gave residents some time to make arrangements, it was not enough time to protest the decision. He explained that they were only given a month and a half to find new places to live, which posed a significant challenge for him as an elderly individual. Tammaro also mentioned that the entire process was conducted behind closed doors, leaving residents with no opportunity to voice their concerns or attempt to stop the conversion.

New York City Councilman David Carr confirmed that the migrant facility would be opening in the former nursing home location this week. However, attempts to reach the Department of Social Services for further confirmation were unsuccessful. The facility’s online listing indicates that it is permanently closed.

Rep. Malliotakis strongly criticized the reported deal, arguing that it reflects misplaced priorities on both the city and country’s part. She expressed her frustration, stating that tax dollars should not be used to house citizens of other countries at the expense of senior citizens and veterans who have contributed to society.

The influx of migrants into New York City has put a strain on the city’s infrastructure and overwhelmed housing officials. In a recent ruling, a judge sided with Staten Island lawmakers and ordered the closure of another migrant facility, which had been converted from a former Catholic school.

The plight of Frank Tammaro and other residents at Island Shores highlights the challenges faced by vulnerable populations due to decisions made by city authorities. Their stories serve as a reminder of the need for better communication, transparency, and consideration for the well-being of all individuals affected by such decisions.

Elizabeth Elkind is a reporter for Digital, specializing in covering Congress and the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and politics. Her previous work can be found at Daily Mail and CBS News. Follow her on Twitter at @liz_elkind for the latest updates on the 2024 campaign trail and other political news.

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